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Mulmer Services: GPS & Telematics Software


Mulmer Services Ltd. strives to be an innovator and leader in our field. GPS

We accomplish this by leveraging available technologies to create value-adds. They both optimize fleet performance and deliver a better customer experience. We embrace the transformative impact new technologies have within our sector. Moreover, we continually seek new ways to integrate them into our operations.

GPS Technology & Telematics Software

GPS fleet tracking allows us to maximize vehicle utilization, optimize routing, improve safety, and provide a first-class service to our valued customers.

Each and every vehicle in our fleet is equipped with a Global Positioning System device.

It continuously relays critical vehicle information to our integrated state-of-the-art Telematics software.

This software accurately tracks the position of our vehicles. It also allows us to monitor various indicators of vehicle health and driver behavior. Moreover, this helpful tool actively monitors traffic congestion, road closures, and accidents that may impact our scheduled services. From this data, we are able to generate detailed reports that allow us to optimize routing and streamline vehicle maintenance.

Vehicle Tracking

Driver Behavior

Vehicle HealthMonitors position, speed, direction of travel, and ignition status

Monitors speed, rates of acceleration and deceleration, harsh braking and cornering

Odometer readingAbility to review trips

Diagnostic trouble codesIntegrates traffic, road closures, and accidents on major roadways

Engine status and battery level

Fuel consumption


GPS technology is also integral to the MSL Mobile App, which allows customers to view vehicle location in real time.

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